In April 2019, I participated in Adobe’s Creative Jam competition, a design challenge between 50 teams across 17 schools nationwide. I worked on a team with one other person, and we used Adobe XD to create our final prototypes.
The prompt: identify a specific pet-related need and help pet owners find the community to support them in a new situation or city.
We brainstormed common issues pet owners face when moving to a new location, then identified a few key pain points for each issue. We eventually decided to focus on the issue of meeting new pet owners, and more specifically dog owners.
Moving to a new location involves adjusting to unfamiliar environments and meeting new people, and dogs need these new interactions, too.
Problem statement: Dog owners who move to a new location want their dogs to meet other dogs in the area, but do not know how or where to meet new dogs.
Solution: Creating a mobile application that combines maps and messaging for easy communication between users to connect their dogs. The app, Dogma, has a map feature that displays nearby dogs (which can be filtered by breed, age, distance, etc.). In-app messaging also allows owners to contact other owners.
If we had more time, we would have liked to identify current solutions to our problem statement, create user personas based on our research and evaluate the potential impact of our solution by testing our prototypes.
Dogma. Where dogs meet dogs.